IBM dashDB is a fully managed cloud data warehousing service for everyone including – the developers, DBAs, BAs, data scientists and more – who strive to bring new solutions and applications to market every day.
For someone who demands flexibility, scalability and hands on experience – dashDB offers BI and analytics at your fingertips. No infrastructure limitations for ever growing business demands.
dashDB is powered by high performance in-memory and in-database technology that delivers answers as fast as you can think. You can extend the existing DW appliance into the cloud or start afresh. With highly secure infrastructure dashDB offers the simplicity, scalability and agility of cloud into an appliance for any size organization yet achieving new heights of performance with a massively parallel processing (MPP) network cluster architecture on IBM’s cloud.
This new approach to information management changes everything—a cloud data warehouse that moves as fast as your business!
It’s simple to get up and running with dashDB in minutes with rapid cloud provisioning, and start moving over your data from any source, on premise or in the cloud.
Keep the hassle of infrastructure out of your way and start building. Whether it’s enabling new analytics, answering questions faster, or being able to capitalize on a short-term opportunity ahead of the competition, you can easily build the capabilities that deliver more intelligent answers. And with dashDB MPP, you can increase storage and performance as needed simply by adding new server instances to your network cluster.
The power to unlock your data is at your fingertips with dashDB. Embedded Netezza analytics, R predictive modeling and a vast ecosystem of partner BI and ETL tools free you to analyze your data to get more precise insights than your competition.
If you are looking at a futuristic view of integrating data warehousing and analytics technologies then the answer is dashDB – a fully managed, secure, robust cloud Data warehouse.